Marketing For Pest Control ā€” How To Attract More Customers

Introduction To Pest Control MarketingĀ 

What is Pest Control Marketing?

Pest control marketing is the process of creating and executing a marketing strategy to promote a pest control business. It involves understanding the target market, developing a marketing plan, and implementing the plan to reach the desired audience. It also involves tracking the results of the marketing efforts to ensure that the marketing strategy is effective.

The first step in marketing for pest control is to identify the target market. This involves researching the demographics of the area, such as age, gender, and income level (sometimes referred to as an avatar). Once the target market is identified, the next step is to create a marketing plan. This plan should include the goals of the campaign, the budget, and the tactics to be used to reach the target market.

The final step in marketing for pest control is to implement the plan. This involves creating content, such as blog posts, videos, and social me...

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Get Off The Truck & Start Working On Your Business Not In It ā€“ by Gannon Mahaffay

If this image reminds you of someone, I hope it isnā€™t yourself. I have to call this syndrome ā€œleave me the hell alone, I am too busy chasing my tail in a circle to stop chasing my tail in a circle.ā€Ā Ā 

This issue isĀ kind of like ā€œworking in your business, not on it.ā€œ Doing ā€œthe workā€œ is something that needs to be done and sometimes we do need to lead by example. ā€˜The workā€™ is the day-to-day activities of your business, but many pest control business owners wonder, what will happen if they donā€™t do the work themselves? Importantly, business owners are also fond of saying, I canā€™t afford to delegate the work. The simple answer to this problem is your business will not grow meaningfully with you doing the work yourself. If you are doing the day-to-day work, you are the bottleneck. Do you think Donald Trump is dealing the cards at the blackjack table? Or mowing the grass on his golf courses? Hell no! So, you have to find a way to get off the truck and start working on your business instead...

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Under Managing Your Inspectors Is A Fatal Mistake ā€“ by Gannon Mahaffay

Many pest control business owners feel that they donā€™t fully understand the sales process, and for that reason, they donā€™t manage their inspectors very well. They say things like, ā€œdonā€™t just stand there, get out there and sell something.ā€œ How often do you think this works? NEVER!! Ā You do not need to be a sales expert to manage the sales process.

If you donā€™t believe me, watch Alec Baldwin play a hard-ass sales manager in Glen Garry Glen Ross. I can guarantee you that Alec Baldwin has never managed a sales force, but you would never know that by his performance. Go to YouTube and search for ā€œGlengarry Glen Ross speech.ā€œ Play the longest version. It just keeps getting funnier and funnier.

Sales is like any other function of your pest control business: there are inputs and there are outputs. Those inputs and outputs are either acceptable or unacceptable. The difference between the business owners who are strong in sales and those who are not, is nothing more than this simple secret:

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The Wheel Does Not Need To Be Reinvented Every Day ā€“ by Gannon Mahaffay

I have asked many pest control business owners this question, ā€œWho has an operations plan?ā€ About 10% of Them say yes. The other 90% that say no get asked more questions likeā€¦ Are you a business owner? Are you operating? They tell me they donā€™t have an operations plan written down but said there was an operations plan in their head.

Hereā€™s the problem with thatā€¦ every business owner with no written operation plan walks to the door and says to himself, ā€œHey, I wonder how we should run the business today?ā€ This process of reinventing the wheel will end up consuming all the valuable time of the organization and the business owner. In the name of flexibility and custom one-off solutions to problems, the shoot from the hip guy or gal has doomed themselves to a fire fighting existence.

So, if writing an operations plan is so powerful, why donā€™t 100% percent of pest control businesses have one?Ā Ā  Well, writing an operations plan is a real pain in the ass. It requires hard work, sacrifice, a...

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Why Are You Hiring Your Competitorsā€™ Trash ā€“ by Gannon Mahaffay

If you hire experienced people, you are really hiring your competitorsā€™ trash. I know, you donā€™t believe me, but I can prove it. Every pest control business owner wants to hire the perfectly qualified person for whatever job is open, which typically means the candidate has done the job before, for someone else ā€“ the competition. When you hire the so called ā€œperfect personā€ from the competition, you are hiring their thrown out trash. Hereā€™s why. Letā€™s say you just lost your service manager, so you are in need of his replacement. You are looking for someone who has previous service management experience. someone who has ran routes before. Somebody who understands how to properly use chemical & equipment and how to train and motivate technicians, right? It seems perfectly logical. But in reality, this is a recipe for disaster!


This strategy is a disaster because youā€™re making an incorrect assumption, that your competitor will let a truly great service manager leave. Imagine this: Jenn...

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10 Ways To Make Your Pest Control Marketing Better & Get More Clients ā€“ By Gannon Mahaffay

There are many ways to make your pest control marketing better and get more clients.Ā  Iā€™ve compiled a short list of some of the most important areas to pay attention to. Just follow these 10 easy tips and watch your pest control marketing and your business take off.


#1 Understand Your Pest Control Clients

Knowing who your clients are and what they need and want is the key to creating effective pest control marketing campaigns and selling pest control. It is important to take the time to get to know your clients and understand their needs and wants in order to ensure the success of your business.

When getting to know your clients, it is important to ask the right
questions. Ask about their current pest control needs, the type of pests they are dealing with, the areas they need to be treated and any other relevant information. Additionally, it is important to understand their budget and any other limitations they may have. This will help you create a tailored solution that meets the

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10 Ways To Prevent Sales Objections ā€“ by Gannon Mahaffay

Your price is too high. Whatever! I hate it when I hear this objection and It's the number one objection to buying your pest control services PERIOD. Why do pest inspectors continue to listen to this B.S.? Ā I just donā€™t understandā€¦ It can and should be prevented.

There are no new objections. You've heard them all before. Can you imagine the prospect saying, Your price is too high, and you responding, Really, I've never heard that before. (Actually, that response may be better than the one you're using.) In the pest control industry, there are around 10 reasons why the client won't buy from you right now. Some objections are just delay tactics or hesitation by the prospect to tell the inspector no. I donā€™t have to tell you that this is extremely FRUSTRATING!

I have a solution to your problemā€¦ Ā Prevent objections by overcoming them in your presentation before the prospect has a chance to speak up. Prevention is the best medicine to cure objections.

Hereā€™s what you need to do:

1.)Ā  Id...

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What Is the Best Way to Extract Referrals From Your Clients ā€“ by Gannon Mahaffay

The best way to extract referrals is to make it seem like the efforts to acquire that referral is coming from the referring client. You have got to team up with your referring client for the best results.

The old way of gettingĀ referrals is to simply tell your client to have anyone they know that needs your service call you. Relying on your client to execute the referring introduction will lead you nowhere. Itā€™s nothing more than an awkward COLD lead.

These days your clients have lots of accessible friends. These friends can be contacted via social media, email and text messaging. Snail mail is still very important as well but remember all this needs to be executed by you, sounding and feeling like its coming directly from your client.

Itā€™s always nice to let the person who referred you make the first contact and talk about how wonderful you are. So, let me repeat myself, because itā€™s very important. When you set up this multi-step campaign make sure all initial contact feels like i...

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Sorry To Burst Your Bubbleā€¦ But Your Business Is Not Worth What You Think Is ā€“ by Gannon Mahaffay

I bet you wont like what Iā€™m about to say, but you need to hear it and fix this problem:Ā  50% of pest control businesses have little or no value outside of the real estate. There are basically 3 reasons for this:

1) The business cannot effectively and/or profitably operate without the owner

2) The owners take from the business is not any better than a standard job salary

3) Most of the revenue from the business is a one-off or one-time service and there is very little contracted reoccurring revenue.

Who would pay you $500,000 for a business with very little contracted reoccurring revenue to get a $70,000 a year job? The buyer could easily get a $70,000 a year job for $0. And the buyer would not have to work 60 hours per week either.

The only way to make your business worth the money it should be worth is to get into a position where it makes a significant amount of money without your direct daily input as well as generating substantial contracted reoccurring revenue. So what Iā€™m...

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Not Enough Meetings Cultivates Problems ā€“ by Gannon Mahaffay

Yeah thatā€™s right I said not enough meetings will cultivate problems. All kinds of problems. Most pest control companies have what I call the ā€œgot a minuteā€ problem. They donā€™t have actual meetings they have:

Hey man you got a second?

Hey man you got a minute?

I need to talk to you about something...

Itā€™s like this for the smaller pest control companies because they generally are passing each other inĀ  the same room before they head out for the day.Ā  Or they have immediate access to the owner 24 seven.

They are running their business by the seat of their pants... shooting from the hip trying to put out fires instead of preventing fires. Having a productive high impact meeting weekly keeps everyone in the know and you in control.

I know what youā€™re thinking, not another meeting. Meetings are bad. Meetings are a joke. This thinking has been out there because most larger pest control companies are notorious for unproductive meetings that go on forever and never produce any real resu...

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